Troop 433 is a medium-sized Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Troop comprised of a diverse group of 25 to 50 active boys.  Our particular focus is promoting a well-rounded scouting experience through regular outdoor activities as well as opportunities for leadership and community service.

We maintain a high adult leader to scout ratio backed by strong parent participation.  Through the active efforts of our leaders, families and scout groups, Troop 433 has produced more than 75 Eagle Scouts since its founding in 1955.  Moreover, the dedicated efforts of the Troop 433 leader/parent/scout family have helped boys develop lifelong friendships.  It is common for former scouts and leaders to visit and join us for troop activities.

New Cyber Chip Requirements Starting 2024

The Cyberchip has been phased out. Scouts should use the Personal Safety Awareness Training for both Scout and Star ranks. Follow the instructions at this link:

Note: For the Scout rank, Scouts must view Digital Safety, Bullying, Abuse, and Youth Protection Policies.  For the Star rank, Scouts must view those four videos again, plus Persistence for Pictures, Grooming and Sexual Abuse, Sexual Abuse in the Family, and Friends Should Never Look the Other Way.

How to make Scout Account Payments

You may now see your Scout Accounts through Troopmaster Web Software. Instructions for seeing scout balances can be found HERE.

If you are looking for an easy way to make scout account payments for your scout, please look under the Scout Resources/Payments page.

How to log into Troopmaster Software

You may now see your Scout records through Troopmaster Web Software. Instructions for logging in can be found HERE.

How to view Scout Advancement in Troopmaster

You may now see all your Scout Advancement records in the Troopmaster Web Software. Instructions for seeing scout balances can be found HERE.

This document shows how to view advancement records in Troopmaster and how to generate reports of these records.

How to RSVP for events in Troopmaster


Here are a few tips and tricks to help you register for scouting events through our Troopmaster Web Software.


The easiest way to RSVP for an event is to use the Weekly Newsletter that comes out on Sunday. (This is the newsletter that you are reading right now!). Look further down the page, and find the event you want to register for and use the link in this email that says "Click here to register for this event".


You can RSVP through the Troopmaster Web Software. Login and select Activities from the top menu. Next select Activity Calendar. Now find the event you want to register for on the calendar and double-click it. On the details page that opens, select the Registration tab and click the link that says "Click here to register for this event". 

TIP #1

On the RSVP screen that opens, click YES or NO and add any comments you like, then click the "Submit RSVP" button to complete the registration. (If you are the parent, you may see a link at the bottom of the RSVP page that lets you register your child.)

TIP #2

Use the Comments field to add information such as, if you can drive for the event, or if a parent will be joining the trip. (There is a limit of 128 characters please)

Tip #3

Use the "Who's Coming" button on the RSVP page to see all the other people who have signed up for the trip. Check this after you RSVP to be sure your name was added.

Final Note:

Most of the problems people have come from forgetting to click the "Submit RSVP" button. So after you have completed your RSVP, return to the registration page and click the "Who's Coming" button and make sure your name is there.

How to Subscribe to the Troop Calendar

You may now see your Scout activities in your own calendar by subscribing to the Troop 433 Calendar. Instructions for subscribing can be found HERE.